Vishnu Twist

A project cooked up by me and Jerôme Senn. It’s studio-based music, but with very few electronic sounds, instead featuring layered grooves of traditional instruments, dense percussion, chopped ambient sound puzzles, meaty rock guitar and some breezy vocal hooks.

What’s It Feel Like?

Born from a pitch to do the soundtrack for Brit gangster flick Dead Bolt Dead, this bouncy psychedelic number features dialogue samples from the film.

Cactus Man

Possibly the only pop song inspired by a drawing by the Symbolist artist Odilon Redon.

Respect to All My Brethren

Old-school hip-hop meets 1930s jazz meets bombastic angry guitar.

The Birthday Song

An upbeat, playful tune originally written for my sister’s birthday, this one has had several incarnations. The current version has verses that add a creepy twist to the lyrics.


Ecstasy in all its forms—religious, sexual, musical. Speaking in tongues courtesy of artist Angelica Fernando.


Featuring an Earth Kitt sample from 1953, a slow funk groove and some apocalyptic horns.


The Arkham Hillbilly